Home Exercises to Build Bigger Legs

Lie on your side, propped up on one elbow with your legs together, knees bent, and heels pressed against each other. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift hips as high as possible, so the body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.

how to get bigger calves and thighs at home

If unsure about how much weight should be used talk with someone who works out regularly or finds a trainer who can help you create an exercise plan that meets your goals. You can begin by adding light weights of 3 or 5 pounds if you are new to exercising but gradually increase weight. However, a lot of people are struggling to Get Bigger Legs At Home but sometimes does not work, it’s not difficult to do that kind of thought. Whether you going to a gym to Get Bigger legs? Increase your ability or maybe Increase your overall body. Allow the kettlebell to come to rest between your legs.

Look to the Potato When it Comes to Losing Weight, Says Science

To make these muscles grow, you need to focus on doing workouts more intense than those you might design for parts of your body that don’t get as much exercise. That means every workout you do should get your heart rate up and cause the muscles in your legs to “burn,” so to speak. If you can’t lift it more than a few times without needing to stop, it’s too heavy. If you want thicker thighs, try exercises that are focused on building up the muscles in your upper legs, like mountain biking and uphill hiking. Doing squats, where you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and sink down into a sitting position, is a great way to help you get thicker thighs.

how to get bigger calves and thighs at home

Start by sitting with legs extended straight in front of you and toes pointed up. Start with your feet together and hands on your hips. Step to one side, bringing your weight over that foot as you push off with your opposite leg.

Foods to limit or avoid

Pick three or four exercises and do 2-3 sets each for 8-12 reps. Bulgarian split squats work well because they put more stress on one leg than most leg workouts do, making them more effective at building muscle in one limb than others are . Balance makes all moves harder, which also recruits more muscle fibers as stabilizers are forced to fire. And bigger quads mean a stronger squat, which helps offset that butt jiggle on your run. Repeat eight times for two sets and increase repetitions as you become more comfortable with the exercise. For more variation, try squat jumps over cones or an aerobic step instead of just in place.

When you wear patterned fabrics on your legs, they leave more of a visual impression. Wearing dark, solid colors, on the other hand, can make your legs look thin and small. “Genetics play a role in your muscle makeup and size due to the allocation of Type I and Type II muscle fibers,” Kelley explains. Standing arm’s distance away from a wall, step one foot back and slightly bend your front knee. Holding the handles of a jump rope in each hand, jump with both feet as you spin the rope under you and over your head.

– Stay Away from Heavy Leg Press

But, if you don't have weights I suggest just doing more repetitions. Pushing on the machine causes the weights to lift. You should be able to feel it in your thighs. Mountain biking, hill cycling, uphill hiking, and sports that involve jumping, kicking or explosive running are all great for thigh muscle development. Avoid jogging for more than 3-4 hours per week because too much long distance running may burn down muscle bulk in the thighs. It’s important to recognize the difference between pushing yourself to the limit and pushing yourself to injury.

It's necessary to complete the full range of motion with every rep to engage the entire muscle. Your calves are already used to getting a little workout every time you climb the stairs or go for a walk. To make them grow, you need to put them through a workout they don't get on a daily basis. Yes, whole body exercises are actually a phenomenal way to build your legs.


Stay away from fast food, salty snack foods, and desserts – these will only leave you feeling fatigued, and it’ll be harder to get your workouts in. If you're using weights, hold them with both hands in front of you at rib level. Place your weight from your stance in your heels, not the balls of your feet.

However, most women don’t want to gain weight everywhere, they just want bigger legs. So let’s move on to our second answer—creating a calorie surplus . There are tons of options out there when it comes to at-home workouts; choose one that works for you! Here’s a list of the 23 best exercises on how to get bigger legs at home. This list of exercises will help you with your quest for bigger thighs and calves at home, regardless of your starting point or fitness level. If you’re not a gym member or if you just don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to getting bigger legs, working out at home is your best bet.

Standing Calf Raise on Elevated Surface

Aim for an equal number of sets per exercise and focus on perfect form so that each set is well performed. The idea is to build lean muscle without all of that extra fat – otherwise, you’ll just be bigger but not necessarily stronger. Whether it’s before or after work, first thing in the morning, or right before bed – with enough dedication, you’ll have sexier, more voluptuous legs in no time. HIIT routines are designed to increase cardiovascular performance and are considered more intense than normal aerobic exercise routines. For each interval, run hard for 15 seconds then walk or jog easily for 45 seconds between each interval; repeat six times total per session. For example, if doing stiff-legged deadlifts on a bench, try using a pad under your knees.

how to get bigger calves and thighs at home

Make sure you're getting it by eating beef, chicken, fish, lamb, and other sources of animal protein. If you are a vegetarian, eat eggs, legumes, leafy greens, and tofu, are potential sources of protein. Most calf exercises entail maintaining a slight bend at your knees to lower your body and then straightening back up.

As you get stronger, it's important to gradually increase the weight to continue building muscle mass. Start with one set and build up to 3 or 4 sets. Try holding dumbbells at your sides to add resistance and help build more muscle. These work your glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings, and over time they can help you build muscle to make your legs fill out. Some people find that they can accelerate the process of muscle growth by taking creatine.

Your calves are an important muscle group that include the gastrocnemius and the soleus, which, together, are responsible for plantar flexion . Doing the exercises quickly and with explosive energy, rather than slowly, builds muscle faster. Bend your knee toward your butt to lift the weight. Straighten your knee and put your foot back on the ground. Load the leg extension machine with the heaviest amount of weight you can lift for 10 or so reps. If forward lunges cause you knee pain, try reverse lunges by stepping backward instead of forward.


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